There around it for most of us times are tough. Sales managers are faced with getting pressure to lower their cost of sales and shrinking travel budgets. 1 way is to stop traveling. This cuts costs, but is passing to business, and contributes to a sales strategy that is failed and a organization. In tough times, you need your sales force on the roads than bringing and knocking on doors. Yet business travel has been curtailed by companies. A survey by the Association of Corporate Travel Executives found that 71 percent of travel managers anticipate spending money in 2009 on events and travel. Business travel is down in the assortment of 20 to 25 percent on a worldwide basis, based on, Sam Gilliland, Sabre Holdings chairman and CEO, speaking at a recent business travel News symposium. Even with big corporations, and particularly financial services, you see travel down in the 30 percent range based on Gilliland.
So as belts that are corporate Get tightened wind up seeing prospects, and we continue to reduce on travel budgets. Seeing prospects contributes to earnings that are less, resulting in tighter travel budgets and a downward spiral that is difficult to pull from. You do not want to stop Traveling, but you have to lower costs. Here is how you can lower your travel expenses, while at exactly the exact same time, increasing your earnings. The solution is to assist your sales force plan – optimizing the number of sales calls they make dollars and effort. As the saying Goes, ‘prior preparation prevents poor performance’. Drill it reps that when planning sales traveling, they will need to think. Ensure that whenever possible, they schedule sales calls with firms which are close. Make sure an efficient path that moves to account, taking the routes that pay the miles that are least is created by them. If you are searching for hotels, restaurants and business services required on the street, ensure that your team makes every attempt to select locations that are on their path of travel that they save fuel and time.
Do you help Your sales force work their land intelligently planning a sales plan that maximizes time out while minimizing travel expenses? Make certain they have the perfect tools. Tell them to buy a travel planning program Route optimalisatie. There Are Lots of products to choose from, such as Garmin Mobile PC and Trips, MapPoint, Microsoft Streets, Delorme Street Atlas, ESRI Business map and much more. Most computer software packages that are laptop are in the $30 to $50 range, and many provide a bundled GPS receiver, with a number of the packages running under $80.