Your baby will begin teething when his primary teeth come through the gums. This happens most often between three and twelve months of age. Teething pain can cause discomfort for your baby. A teether may be able to help. A Sophie the Giraffe Teether may be a good option for your baby. It is still unknown how Sophie the Giraffe was made. This toy is educational and fun for your baby. This teether is unlike any other on the market.
- Safety
Safety is key to your baby’s well-being. Safety should be your top priority when choosing toys for your baby. Sophie the Giraffe Teeth is safe. The toy is 100% safe because it is made from natural rubber and food-grade painting. It is also free from Phthalates and BPA, which can cause genetic harm to your baby.
- Size
The size of the toy is another important aspect. The toy’s dimensions are 1x4x7 inches, and its weight is 1.6 ounces. The toy is small enough that your baby can hold it comfortably in his tiny hands. It is large enough to ensure that your baby will not choke on it.
- Entertainment
The sophie the giraffe gift set comes in contrasting colors to stimulate baby’s visual sense. When any part of its body gets squeezed, it squeaks. It has an interesting feature that stimulates your baby’s auditory sense. It can also be easily squeaked by children of all ages. It also has many small pieces for your baby’s enjoyment.
- Maintenance Durability
This teething toy has been designed to last. You can give it back to your baby if they stop playing with it. It is important to keep it clean. Make sure you do not sterilize the teether when cleaning it. It can be cleaned with a damp cloth, soapy water and a little bit of soap.
Sophie, the iconic toy that Sophie is, was the first to be produced without the use of images of farm animals. This made Sophie an instantly distinctive toy on the toy market. This product is a wonderful choice for parents whose children have begun to teeth. The best baby teething toys to give to your child are the baby teething rings. These rings are made from plastic, rubber, or metal and can be used to alleviate the pain and reduce swelling. Sophie the Giraffe Teether can be fun and educational. It is also safe to chew. You can order this product online from all the top online retailers.